कुछ सामग्री / दस्तावेज वर्तमान में हिन्दी में उपलब्ध नहीं हैं। अंग्रेजी संस्करण का लिंक इस पेज पर उपलब्ध है।
FAQs on Conversion of other entities into LLPs and vice versa
- 1
The LLP Act contains enabling provisions pursuant to which a firm (set up under Indian Partnership Act, 1932) and private company or unlisted public company (incorporated under Companies Act) would be able to convert themselves into LLPs. Provisions of clause 58 and Schedule II to Schedule IV to the Act provide procedure in this regard.
- 2
This would not be allowed under LLP Act. However, enabling provisions would be required to be made in the Companies Act for such conversion. Necessary action in this regard would be taken when Companies Act would be revised.
- 3
Since Stamp Duty is the subject reserved for the States, the LLP Act does not contain any provision for treatment of stamp duty issues. The stamp duty payable will depend upon the relevant Stamp Act prescribed by the State Government/Union Territory.
- 4
It has been provided in the Act that on conversion of a firm/private company/unlisted public company into LLP, any approval, permit or licence issued to the firm/private company/unlisted company under any other Act shall, subject to the provisions of such other Act under which such approval, permit or licence was issued, be transferred in the name of converted entity viz LLP.